React Native Developer

Saturday, December 8, 2018

set 7 dbms gtu

SET – 7

Create the database SHOPPING and create given tables with all necessary constraints such as primary key, foreign key, unique key, not null and check constraints.

CUSTOMER (cno, cust_name, cust_phone, location,gender)
create table customer
cno int primary key,
cust_namevarchar(30) not null,
location varchar(30),
gender varchar(6) ,
constraint ck_gencheck(gender in('male', 'female'))

ITEM (itemno, itemname, color, weight, expire_date, price, shop_name)
create table item
itemno int primary key,
itemnamevarchar(30) not null,
weight int,
expire_date date,
price int check(price > 0),

CUST_ITEM (cno, itemno, quantity_purchased, date_purchase)
create table cust_item
(cno ,
quantity_purchased int constraint ck_qulcheck(quantity_purchased> 0),
date_purchase date,
constraint fk_cno foreign key(cno) references customer(cno),
constraint fk_itemno foreign key(itemno) references item(itemno)

1.     Delete the items whose price is more than 50000.
delete from cust_item  whereitemno in(select itemno from item where price > 50000);
delete from item where price > 50000;

2.     Find the names of the customer who is located in same location as that of other customer.

3. Display the names of items which is black, white & brown in color.
            select * from item where color in ('black','white');

4. Display the names of all the items whose names lies between ‘p’ and ‘s’.
            select * from item where itemname between 'P' and 'S';

5.  Find the item which is having less weight.
            select * from item where weight = (select min(weight) from item);

6. Add one month more to those items whose item no =40.
            select ADD_MONTHS(expire_date,1) from item where itemno = 4;

7. Count total number of items which is going to expire in next month
select count(itemno) from item where to_char(expire_date, 'MM') = (to_char(sysdate, 'MM') );

8. List all customers whose phone number starts with ‘99’.
            select * from customer where cust_phone like '99%';

9. Display total value (qty*price) for all items.
            select (QUA_P * PRICE) as value from item a ,cust_item b
            where a.itemno = b.itemno;

10. List customer details who has purchased maximum number of items

11. Display total price item wise.
            select itemname, price from item;

12. List name of items, customer details and qty purchased.
            select i.itemname, c.*, t.qua_p from customer c, item i, cust_item t
            where c.cno = t.c_no and i.itemno = t.itemno;

14. Write a trigger which do not allow insertion / updation / deletion of Item details on Sunday.


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