React Native Developer

Monday, December 10, 2018

DBMS SET 1 TO 3 gtu


DEPARTMENT (dept_no, dept_name, location)

1] Create the Simple DEPARTMENT Table.

CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT ( dept_no INT PRIMARY KEY, dept_name varchar(10), location varchar(10) ); OUTPUT:-

2] Display structure of department table.

describe department; OUTPUT:-

3] Insert below records into Department Table

1.INSERT INTO department values(10,'account','NY'); 2.INSERT INTO department values(20,'HR','NY'); 3.INSERT INTO department values(30,'Production','DL'); 4.INSERT INTO department values(40,'Sales','NY'); 5.INSERT INTO department values(50,'EDP','MU'); 6.INSERT INTO department values (60,'TRG',' '); 7.INSERT INTO department values(110,'RND','AH');

4] Display all records of Department table

select * from department; OUTPUT:-

5] Display all department belonging to location 'NY'

select * from department where location='NY'; OUTPUT:-

6] Display details of Department 10

select * from department where dept_no=10; OUTPUT:-

7] List all department names starting with ‘a’

select * from department where dept_name like 'a%';

8]List all departments whose number is between 1 and 100

select * from department where dept_no between 1 and 100; OUTPUT:-

9] Delete 'TRG' department

delete from department where dept_name='TRG'; OUTPUT:-

10] Change department name 'EDP' to 'IT

update department set dept_name='IT' where dept_name='EDP'; OUTPUT:-


EMPLOYEE (emp_id, emp_name, birth_date, gender, dept_no, address, designation, salary, experience,email) DEPARTMENT (dept_no, dept_name,location) 

11] Create the EMP Table with all necessary constraints such as   In EMP TABLE: Employee id should be primary key, Department no should be  Foreign key, employee age (birth_date) should be greater than 18 years, salary should be greater than zero, email should have (@ and dot) sign in address, designation of employee can be “manager”, “clerk”, “leader”, “analyst”, “designer”, “coder”, “tester”.   create table employee (   emp_id  int primary key,   emp_name  varchar2(20),   birth_date date,   gender varchar2(6),   DEPT_NO number(38) REFERENCES department(DEPT_NO),  address varchar2(100),  designation varchar2(15),  salary decimal(9,2),  experience  varchar2(5),  email  varchar2(255) CONSTRAINT chk_emp_email CHECK (REGEXP_LIKE (email,'^[A-Za-z0-9._%+]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$')) );

1) Create DEPT table with neccessary constraint such as  Department no should be primary key, department name should be unique

alter table employee add constraint ck_designation check (designation in ('manager', 'clerk', 'leader', 'analyst', 'designer', 'coder', 'tester')); OUTPUT:-

12]After creation of above tables, modify Employee table by adding the constraints as ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ in gender field and display the structure.

ALTER TABLE employee ADD CONSTRAINT gender_check CHECK(gender IN('male','female')); OUTPUT:-

13] Insert proper data (at least 5 appropriate records) in all the tables. 
1.  INSERT INTO employee values(1,pc,'29-SEP97','male',10,AMRELI,'manager',20000,3,'');

2. INSERT INTO employee values(2,'naresh','31-

3. INSERT INTO employee values(3,'jay','15-jan98','male',30,'vyara','leader',5000,1,'');

 4. INSERT INTO employee values(4,'annu','10-jan95','female',40,'vyara','analyst',50000,3,'');

 5. INSERT INTO employee values(5,'prem','10-jan96','male',50,'amrely','designer',4000,3,'');

 6. INSERT INTO employee values(6,'jay','15-mar99','male',60,'songadh','coder',34000,5,'');

7. INSERT INTO employee values(7,'anil','30-mar87','male',110,'bardoli','tester',54000,6,'');

14] Describe the structure of table created 
 describe employee;

15] List all records of each table in ascending order.
 select * from employee order by emp_name asc; OUTPUT:-

16]Delete the department whose location is Ahmedabad.
 delete from department where location='AH';

17] Display female employee list 
select * from employee where gender='female'; OUTPUT:-

18] Display Depart name wise employee Names 
select d.dept_name, e.emp_name from employee e, department d where e.dept_no=d.dept_no order by d.dept_name; OUTPUT:-

19] Find the names of the employee who has salary less than 5000 and greater than 2000.
 select * from employee where salary <5000 and salary >2000; OUTPUT:-

20]Display the names and the designation of all female employee in descending order.
 select emp_name,designation,gender from employee where gender='female'order by emp_name desc; OUTPUT:-

21] Display the names of all the employees who names starts with ‘A’ ends with ‘A’.
 select * from employee where emp_name LIKE 'A%a'; OUTPUT:-

22] Find the name of employee and salary for those who had obtain minimum salary.   

->  select emp_name, salary from employee where salary=(select min(salary)from employee); OUTPUT:-

23] Add 10% raise in salary of all employees whose department is ‘IT’.
 update employee set salary=salary+(salary*0.10)where dept_no=(select dept_no from department where dept_name='IT'); OUTPUT:-

24] Count total number of employees of ‘IT’ department.
 select count(dept_no) from employee where dept_no=(select dept_no from department where dept_name='IT'); OUTPUT:-

25] List all employees who born in the current month.   select emp_name from employee where to_char(birth_date,'MON')=to_char(sysdate,'MON'); OUTPUT:-

26] Print the record of employee and dept table as “Employee works in department ‘MBA’.
 select emp_name||'works in department', dept_name from employee, department; OUTPUT:-


27] List names of employees who are fresher’s (less than 1 year of experience).
select emp_name from employee where experience <1; OUTPUT:-

28] List department wise names of employees who has more than 5 years of experience.
 select d.dept_name, e.emp_name from employee e, department d where experience >5 ORDER BY d.dept_name ASC; OUTPUT:-

29] Crete Sequence to generate department ID   CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_1
start with 1 increment by 1  minvalue 0 maxvalue 100 cycle; OUTPUT:-

30] List department having no employees   select d.dept_name from department d WHERE NOT EXISTS(select * from employee e where e.dept_no=d.dept_no); OUTPUT:-


STUDENT (rollno, name, class, birthdate)  COURSE (courseno, coursename, max_marks, pass_marks) SC (rollno, courseno, marks)

1] Create the above three tables along with key constraints.    create table stud (       rollno number(10) primary key,       name varchar2(10) NOT NULL,       class varchar2(10) NOT NULL,       bod date    );  create table course (       courseno number(10) primary key,       coursename varchar(10) NOT NULL,       max_marks number(4) NOT NULL,       pass_marks number(4)  NOT NULL );  create table sc (           rollno number(10) references stud(rollno),           courseno number(10) references course(courseno),           marks varchar(10) NOT NULL ); OUTPUT:-

2] Write an Insert script for insertion of rows with substitution variables and insertappropriate data.

  1. insert into stud values(&rollno,'&name','&class','&bod');

2. insert into course values(&courseno,'&coursename',&max_mark,&min_max);

 3. insert into sc values(&rollno,&courseno,'&marks');

3] Add a constraint that the marks entered should strictly be between 0 and 100.  
alter table sc add constraint chk_mrsk check(marks between 0 and 100);

4] While creating SC table, composite key constraint was forgotten. Add the composite keynow.  alter table sc add primary key(rollno,courseno);

5] Display details of student who takes ‘Database Management System’ course.  
 1. select a.*,b.*,c.* from stud a , course b , sc c where b.coursename='dbms' and c.courseno=b.courseno and c.rollno=a.rollno;

2. select,b.*,c.* from stud a , course b , sc c where b.coursename='dbms' and c.courseno=b.courseno and c.rollno=a.rollno;


6] Display the names of students who have scored more than 70% in Computer Networksand have not failed in any subject. 

select a.*,b.*,c.* from stud a , course b,sc c where c.marks>70 and b.coursename='dbms'and c.rollno in(select rollno from sc where rollno not in(select rollno from sc,course where marks<course.pass_marks))and a.rollno=c.rollno;

7]Display the average marks obtained by each student.   select avg(marks) from stud a,sc c where c.rollno=a.rollno group by c.rollno;

8]Select all courses where passing marks are more than 30% of average maximum mark.  

 Created BY :- MR.PC


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